There is no charge to attend the meetings, but you must become member to take part in LCC activities and competitions. You can become a member any time throughout the year.
Activities include competitions, Annual Holiday Dinner, workshops, field trips and other excursions. The highlight of the year is the Annual May Salon/Banquet which showcases and awards the members’ best photographic work for the year.
The fiscal year is September 1 to August 31. Dues: $30.00 per member annually.
If you'd like to mail your dues, you may use this downloadable form: Membership Form
Create an Account
If you do not have a Login Name, use the button below to create an account
and request membership in this organization.
If you already have a Visual Pursuits account for any other organization,
login with your account and use the menu "My Account",
"Organizations" to request
membership in this organization.
That page will also provide links to other organizations.
If you are judging competitions or registering for a public event,
you do not need to request membership.
If you have an existing account with any organization using the
Visual Pursuits service, login to this website with that account.
If you do not have an account and do not need membership,
use the button below to create a Guest account.